Courtyard in Condo

This photo looking towards the downtown from the courtyard at 200 Lett Street, the first condo on the Flats. Place de Ville is the blocky building in the background. Phase two of the condo is under construction to the right. At the very back, it is still one floor short of its full podium height. Due to the angle the building sits on the site, the second phase podium has more units than the first, and it turns to partially enclose the back of the courtyard. The second tower, to be clad in yellow brick and some of the same glass as the first, goes above the turn in the building at centre right in the picture.
I had been concerned that the new podium structure would block too much of the view and result in a claustrophobic courtyard. However, even at this early stage, the courtyard still feels generous and urbane.
The view from the same courtyard in late summer. It is an amazing vista of foreground green roof landscaping and beyond the kayak tailrace lies the Garden of the Provinces and the downtown highrises.
The exterior walls being enclosed. The podium will be the same style as the first phase podium — yellow brick, some variation in the window pattern from floor to floor, although not as much as on the first phase.
Since these buildings started, a number of other condos in the city are proposed that also have the variable window pattern from floor to floor, eg the two condos on West Wellington at Island Park.