Tunnel to Somewhere: the non-video

The three segments of new downtown Ottawa LRT tunnel are proceeding nicely, out of sight. Just a few days ago, the central section (accessed via the gantry and hole in the lot opposite the dying Holt Renfrew store) connected to the western section (dug out from LeBreton Flats eastward to the Queen/Lyon area).

The RTG and City provided a video of the breaking of the last segment of wall that separated the two sections. You can watch it here:


For what it’s worth, I didn’t notice our famous show-up-for-an-envelope-opening mayor in the video. Perhaps I missed him.


Addendum:  OOOPs, On my site, the video now has a Privacy message. It didn’t for the first bit when I posted it here. This is the original link: http://www.confederationline.ca/en/lrtv/tunnel-punch-through/         from the confederation line website …. HOWEVER, when I go there, Google says it cannot find the site.

Sorry folks, maybe it is Top Secret information, or maybe someone is pissed that they weren’t invited to the event.  I believe the contract with the tunnel constructors is that the City has a monopoly on all communications with the public. It just goes to show that you have to be quick to get here to WestSideAction before the mainstream media picks up the stories or someone censors what you coulda’ seen. 

4 thoughts on “Tunnel to Somewhere: the non-video

  1. Interesting. So in theory you could now walk the almost 800 metres underground between Lebreton Flats and O’Connor. So if we never end up with a train, maybe we could use the tunnel as a less controversial alternative to cross-town bike lanes.

  2. Yes DevVan, a very good idea! Though I can’t see the video as it says “Because of its privacy settings, this video cannot be played here.”

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