Sculptural maintenance

  The granite sculptures along Preston by artist c j fleury are both carved and painted. The carved elements– grape leaves and vine on this sculpture — she highlighted with black paint. Over the winter, a lot of this paint faded or even washed-off completely. Most heavily affected was the Marco Polo sculpture by the Plant Recreation Centre, where most of the colour disappeared. This might have something to do with salt, since it is just north of the salt-infested Somerset-Preston intersection. Is it coincidental that most of the hardy plants surrounding the Marco Polo sculpture also seem to have suffered … Continue reading Sculptural maintenance

Recyling stuff …

First, a note to readers who sent in helpful suggestions to get WordPress working again, or telling me to buck up and learn how to do it right. Thank you. Personally, I think WP felt bad and decided to do better, since it once again is sort of working fine for new posts, but the few posts done on the weekend I’ve had to scrap, they are permanently … confused. So, from the church of the reincarnated deadwood and recycling, I’m back, and here’s a recycling post: ________________________________ I live in an old house. Renovation projects result in left-over wood, … Continue reading Recyling stuff …